Test Tokens & Faucet

You can request Kanazawa (MELD) Testnet tokens here.

Kanazawa Testnet Faucet

Click on the link below to go to the Kanazawa faucet.

You can request testnet tokens once every 72 hours per wallet address. If you need some than what is stated below please contact us at dev@meld.com

Testnet Token Requests

A testnet token faucet is a tool that lets developers get testnet tokens for their development on the MELD blockchain. The tokens only work on the MELD testnet named Kanazawa. The testnet tokens are identified by a lowercase t at the beginning of each token ticker. For example, the testnet token for MELD is tMELD and the testnet token for wETH is twETH.

All of the tokens you receive from the MELD faucet are office testnet tokens. A developer can also create their own testnet tokens but they will not interact with other protocols on Kanazawa. So, if you are building to integrate with other protocols like a DEX or lending & borrowing, then it's best to use the office testnet tokens.

What You Get From The Faucet

Because most developers will interact with several types of tokens, we give them a collection of various tokens on the blockchain. As the ecosystem develops we will add more tokens to the faucet list.

Below is a list of the tokens, token contracts and tickers for the MELD testnet faucet;

Last updated